Transforming BP’s Environmental Data Management

Our Client

In 2014, ddms partnered with bp Remediation Management (bp RM) to revolutionize its environmental data management. Today, bp RM sets the bar with a modernized data practice. As bp RM’s integration partner, ddms lead the implementation of an EQuIS-based data system, including historical data migration, onboarding bp RM’s suppliers, integration with bp RM’s internal enterprise GIS system, and an end-to-end digital transformation of its data workflows which has resulted in big savings and a significant increase in data accessibility.





Partnered With

“We see the value of ddms and the need for core environmental domain knowledge and the experience with RM Lab Program journey as invaluable for remediation management.”

Pramod Neelappa | Digital Transformation Manager & Cyber Ambassador, BP

The Challenge

In 2014, bp RM, like many corporations, had acquired millions of records of environmental data but did not have them centralized in a common data management system. Also, like many other companies, bp RM had unsuccessfully tried other approaches and had a distributed data management approach whereby its data were held by many consultant companies. This was problematic from a data security, accessibility and ownership perspective and additionally precluded bp RM from the ability to perform portfolio-level analysis and integrations with other systems.

The Solution

Knowing that bp RM’s objective was to implement a scalable and configurable environmental data management system in-house for data ownership and integration purposes, ddms evaluated several options and recommended EarthSoft’s EQuIS system as the best fit for bp RM’s requirements. To accommodate users from around the world, ddms worked with EarthSoft to establish database instances for bp RM’s global regions. 

ddms created and manages a unified data management and governance plan for bp RM to ensure best-practices continue to be followed all along the data life-cycle. With ddms’ leadership, the bp RM system is operated with the philosophy of ensuring standardized quality data while empowering users with bp RM’s consulting companies to work directly in the system with maximum independence. 

Following the initial implementation, ddms has continued to partner with bp RM on enhancements to the system as new technology emerges. For example, in 2020 bp embarked on a major effort to centralize data for all sites across the globe. As part of this effort, ddms is leading an effort to digitalize bp RM’s data flow from the third-parties, labs and field collection.

The Impact

Today, the majority of environmental data for bp RM’s remediation sites reside in one central system. 

bp RM’s centralized environmental data management system is the gold standard for large energy corporations. ddms is helping bp RM move rapidly toward a fully digital end-to-end data collection process, including field data capture and communication with laboratories, with the EQuIS system as the source of truth for environmental reporting and analysis. Centralizing the data is empowering bp RM, ddms and suppliers to advance to multi-level analysis of the data through integration with other systems, data science methodology, visualization and reporting tools.